New Years Day in Seattle
Gotta backtrack a little…
Tony and I went to visit my friends Claudia and Kyle for the first week of 2013. The two of them live in Houston, but we decided to meet up for the holidays. Claud’s older sister and brother-in-law graciously hosted us, and we crammed in sooooo much eating and sightseeing (and more eating) within the 5 days I was there!
The two of us flew in really early in the morning on January 1st to get a cheap flight. So with a lack of sleep, we explored Alki Point and Gas Works Park before we got back to our hosts’ home for some rest and hot pot dinner :)
Gas Works Park was such a fun area to roam around! It was formerly a coal gasification plant… as you see here they’ve kept a large structure there, though gated off, and it gave an interesting industrial contrast to the grassy knolls and boat houses surrounding the area.
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